For several years the University of Waterloo has been using evaluate as it's primary method of course evaluations. Evaluate has many benefits, but also had major limitations which prevents it from being used outside of it's primary scope:standardized official course evaluations.

Evalulite hopes to augment evaluate by providing the opposite. Instead of a focused, centralized set of standard surveys for one purpose, evalulite provides self-service customize-able surveys for any purpose.

Surveys For Everyone*

(everyone on campus)

Evalulite lets anybody with a watiam login make surveys. Simply log in and create or upload your template to get started!

More Anonymity Options

Since evaluate just does official course evaluations, surveys have to be anonymous. With Evalulite users have multiple options for anonymity. Survey makers can keep things anonymous or, for example, maintain anonymity of individual but obtain a list of emails for those who wrote the survey!

This allows for things like providing bonus marks for survey writers or be able to email your survey writers at a later time.

Transparency for Writers

To ensure survey writers won't be surprised by these new anonymity settings, survey writers will always have visible indicators of the settings for any survey they access. This includes:

  • who will get access to results
  • when access to results will occur
  • the anonymity setting for the surveys

Lockable Surveys

One of the most important features of evalulite is the ability to lock surveys to groups. This means a survey can ensure only members from a specific course or list of usernames have the ability to complete the survey.

We hope, in the future, to expand the type of groups surveys can be locked to!

Use Cases

Currently evalulite is primarily used for TA evaluations in labs and mid-term course evaluations run by instructors.

Project Contacts

Mirko Vucicevich All support requests
Steve Weber Fallback - high severity

Contributors and Stakeholders

Mirko Vucicevich Designed and developed the majority of the service.
Steve Weber Primary Dev-ops / Quality Control
James Lee Front-end developer responsible for the majority of the user interface.